About Us

MAYA OUTREACH is a non-profit organisation established in the UK on 9th February 2011 by a small group of professionals working in the area of health and education. It promotes the health, education and provides cancer support for the Nepalese community living in the U.K, to maintain equality so that they can feel integrated in the British society. Since, the founder members have their origin in Nepal; it also aims to provide cancer support, working in partnership with other NGOs. It will provide equipment and materials, health education/promotional campaigns and information to the communities, public institutions such as hospitals and Schools in Nepal.


Assisting in achieving maximum health and education benefit for the people of Nepalese community in the UK.
Provide personal support to the communities to achieve the highest attainable health. In person support will include taking them to health practitioner, helping the member of public where he or she is unable to explain the problem.
Cancer support; signposting people to other organisations and offer financial assistance.


Patients need more than medical help; they also need practical, emotional and financial support. It’s not only patients who live with cancer; we would also like to help carers, families and communities in their homes.

Maya Outreach provides health education, health promotion and cancer screening programs. Concentrating on:

Sexually transmitted diseases
Cancer prevention/ screening
Signs and symptoms of Cancer

Our vision is long- term. We will work in partnership with Nepal Cancer Relief Society, Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital, the local community and schools. We will develop a working agreement by sharing our skills and knowledge that will benefit the most vulnerable and in need.


• Fund nurses and medical care
• Provide support for carers, families and friends
• Provide health education/promotion and cancer screening
• Local cancer information centre

We believe that patients need more than medical help.
They also need information, practical, emotional and financial support.
We would also like to help careers, families and communities in their homes.

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